How to Reopen Cure TANF Work Sanction

FACS Processing Steps for Reopening TANF Work Sanction


Sanction – any administrative decision to suspend or exclude a recipient from benefits or services.  Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy:  340:40-7-7. Establishing the need factor for child care; and 340:40-7-8. Defining the need factor for child care benefits. SNAP: 340:50-5-86. Persons exempt from work registration; 340:50-5-89. Voluntary quit and reduction […]

How to Remove TANF Work Sanction (52A Closure) Penalty Income

Identify the SS number of the person with the penalty income Go to IMS and type FSPI (space) SS number, Press Enter Tab  once and enter FSPU, Press Enter The list below details the codes for the TYPE field: W = Case Closed for TANF Work Non-Cooperation A = School Attendance TANF Program Violation C = Child […]

Sanctions Process – Failure to Participate

The worker should ensure that persons fully understand their rights and responsibilities and the possible consequence of refusal to participate at the time of the initial interview and anytime changes are made to participation assignments. If the TANF recipient fails to participate in the TANF program as agreed, then the worker needs to review the […]