The following are descriptions/ instructions of each Section K (Child Care) field in IMS:
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K1
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K4
Instructions: Enter the person number for the individual authorized for day care.NOTE: The authorization will reflect the PS-2 person number in K4 but the SIS person number will also be displayed and printed. This defaults to the first person on the case. Make sure that it shows the correct person before entering any other information.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K8
Instructions: DC = Day CareNOTE: This block must be entered when adding a new authorization. When an authorization is created using FACS, this field is automatically entered by the system.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K9
Instructions: Enter the date of the request for Child CareNOTE: Child Care timeliness reports compare Request Date (K9) to Begin Date (K45) to determine how long it took for the verification to be received.
See Child Care Subsidy: Application process / Request date 340:40-3-1(4)
This field is not required for reopens or when a client changes providers. Ignore the FACS edit in this situation only.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K12
Instructions: Enter the appropriate code for action taken on this authorization. This block must be completed each time authorization is updated.
- 1 = Open.
- 2 = Denial.
- 6 = Close.
- C = Change of Information.
- R = Re-open
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K16
Instructions: Enter the appropriate code from the list below to show why this authorization is being opened, changed, closed or reopened.
Opening/Change reasons are:
- 1 = for caretaker to receive training.
- 2 = for caretaker to search for employment.
- 3 = for caretaker to retain employment.
- 4 = for caretaker to obtain education.
- 5 = for caretaker to obtain TANF substance abuse prevention.
- 10 = prevention of or protection from abuse, neglect and/or exploitation.
- 11 = enrichment, supervision, training or to avoid institutionalization.
- 12 = for caretaker to have sleep time when alternative care is provided during night work hours.
- 13 = for caretaker to retain employment and obtain education.
Closing/denial reasons are:
- 1 = death of client – no notice will be generated to client; provider notice will generate.
- 4 = change in providers.
- 5A = income exceeds agency standards.
- 5B = alternative caregiver is available.
- 5C = caretaker/relative failed to cooperate in determining eligibility
- 5D = parent/caretaker not employed.
- 5E = parent/caretaker not in school.
- 5F = parent/caretaker not in training.
- 5G = need not met for a two parent/caretaker family.
- 5J = need not met for a single parent / caretaker family.
- 6 = services to be received in another case.
- 7 = ineligible provider.
- 7A = provider contract terminated – State Office use only.
- 8 = client’s request.
- 9 = provider’s request.
- 15 = resources exceeding $1 million.
- 26 = Eligibility period has ended (TANF and SNAP E&T cases only).
- 36 = FSS-BR-1 Not Completed.
- 40 = Failure to meet citizenship or qualified alien requirements
- 42 = moved to another state
- 43 = unable to locate
- 45 = failed to refused to provide necessary verification within time allowance.
- 55 = Job Search eligibility period has ended.
- 69 = other – no notice will be generated to client; provider notice will generate. State Office use only.
- 81 = plan of service completed
- 88 = EBT inactivity. State Office use only.
- 99 = State Office use only.
- 99A = Contract Number Change. State Office use only.
See Child Care Subsidy: Defining the need factor for child care benefits 340:40-7-8
See Child Care Subsidy: Need factor for single parent/caretaker families 340:40-7-7(b)
See Child Care Subsidy: Need factor for two-parent/two caretaker families 340:40-7-7(c)
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K20
Instructions: Enter the appropriate code to show type of care authorized.
- DC = Day Care Center.
- DH = Day Care Home.
- IH = Day Care in Own Home.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K40
Instructions: Enter the DHS contract number assigned for this daycare center, home or in-home provider.See Child Care Subsidy: Child care plan 340:40-5-1(7)
A list of providers and contract numbers may be accessed through the PCX transaction in IMS. For instructions see “M(sp)PCX”. The contract must be current or the authorization will edit.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K41
Instructions: Enter Y if the day care facility owner or in home provider is related to the person receiving day care.See Child Care Subsidy: Plan of Service 340:40-5-1
If the facility owner or provider is NOT related to the person receiving care, leave this field blank.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K42
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K45
Instructions: Enter the date payment was approved to begin for this person in this facility. When changes are made, enter the effective date of change.Note: For Child Care timeliness reports, this date is the date on which all verification was received and the Child Care was authorized. This date is compared to the date the action was taken to determine the number of days it took to process the request. If child care is being authorized for a ‘future date’, enter the date the child care authorization will begin.
For certifications, this is the date the client needs child care to start as long as all required documentation is provided by that date. If all verification is not provided by that date, the child care begin date will be the date all verification was provided to the worker.For changes, this is the date the change takes effect. If it is a negative change, it will be effective the first day of the next effective month.
For denials, enter the date the interview was completed and all verifications were provided; or if the interview was not completed and/or all verifications were not provided, enter the date the action is taken.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K47
Instructions: Enter the last day that day care can be paid to this provider for the person.See Child Care Subsidy: Closure of subsidized child benefits 340:40-9-2(g)
This must be a future date.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K50
Instructions: If the full-time daily or part-time daily unit type is used, enter the number of units authorized for a month. The following table is used for converting days to months.
- 1 day per week = 005 units per month.
- 2 days per week = 010 units per month.
- 3 days per week = 014 units per month.
- 4 days per week = 018 units per month.
- 5 days per week = 023 units per month.
- 6 days per week = 027 units per month.
- 7 days per week = 031 units per month
- If the weekly type is used, enter 5 as the number of units.
- If the blended unit type is used, enter 23 as the number of units.
See Child Care Subsidy: Plan of service hours 340:40-5-1(3)
Use the Number of Units/Unit Type column on the left (K50 and K55) for the primary child care authorization. Use the column on the right) K67 and K68) for subsequent secondary authorizations.
Example: Child requires child care full time three days a week and part time two days a week. The full time/three days a week authorization would be coded in blocks K50 and K55. The part time/two days a week authorization would be coded on blocks K67 and K68.
Blended rate should be used for school aged children whose parents are involved in an activity during the day and use the child care for before/after school and holidays.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K55
Instructions: Enter the day care rate authorized.
- A = Blended rate (full year) – use only for schools that have a “year round” schedule. Most schools have a traditional (summers off) schedule.
- B = Blended Rate (traditional)
- D = Daily – (Adult Day Services only)
- F = Full-time daily rate – more than 4 hrs/day for less than 15 days or more than 23 days/mo.
- P = Part-time daily rate – non-special needs.
- S = Full-time daily rate – severe special needs.
- T = Weekly Rate – severe special needs
- V = Part-time daily rate – severe special needs.
- W = Weekly rate – more than 4 hrs/day for 15 days through 23 days/mo.
- X = Full-time daily rate – moderate special needs.
- Y = Part-time daily rate – moderate special needs.
- Z = Weekly rate – moderate special needs. NOTE: Providers will not be paid the weekly rate unless it is shown here.
- FACS NOTE:Special Needs unit types do not appear in FACS. Please email to open or update those authorizations.
See Child Care Subsidy: Plan of service hours 340:40-5-1(3)
Use the Number of Units/Unit Type column on the left (K50 and K55) for the primary child care authorization. Use the column on the right (K67 and K68) for subsequent secondary authorizations.
Example: Child requires child care full time three days a week and part time two days a week. The full time / three days a week authorization would be coded in blocks K50 and K55. The part time/two days a week authorization would be coded in blocks K67 and K68.
Blended rate should be used for school aged children whose parents are involved in an activity during the day and use the child care for before/after school and holidays.
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K62
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K67
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K68
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K70
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K75
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K78
Instructions: Enter the status of the co-pay for this authorization. The default value is ‘N’.
- N = Not co-pay exempt
- S = Second provider for this case (co-pay exempt)
- Y = State Office use only (co-pay exempt)
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K92
Day Care:
On openings, show whether an application for day care is being approved or if this is a change of provider.
A = Application Approval
O = Ownership Change (used by State Office only)
P = Change of Providers
On Changes and Closures to an authorization in open status, show whether advance notice is required for action taken.
N = Advance Notice not required for closure or for all changes made
Y = Advance Notice required for closure or for all changes made
On Reopen Actions, enter the code for reopen approval (A).
Tab: Auth Daycare
PS-2 Block: K95
Instructions: Enter this block for denials indicating if Adult Day Services were requested.
- Y = Yes
- N = No
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