Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): Ticket to Work

The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 established a program called Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. It is usually just called “Ticket to Work”. The program is voluntary and available to people who are between the ages of 19-64 and receiving either SSI or Social Security Disability (RSDI). The program develops a plan to help a person achieve employment. Ticket to Work partners with organizations like the OK Dept. of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) to provide job training, counseling and search. They can also help with keeping the job. Social Security provides incentives and benefit protections as long as the person is following the plan.

While involved with Ticket to Work, income earned from the job is countable towards eligibility for ABD-related programs. All applicable deductions can be used. People on SSI could be eligible for Special Medical-1619b.

Refer to article: Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD): Special Medical.

The following sites offer additional information on Ticket to Work.

Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services

Social Security Administration Ticket to Work

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