The following are instructions regarding a 3 Month Job Search Approval and Closure.
Client applies for job search child care for his 2 and 3 year old sons, on April 22, 2024. The worker contacts the client by phone and the interview is conducted on April 24. The client reports that he last worked in March and received his last check on March 30, 2024. He says he is currently unemployed and that it is hard to find anyone to watch his young sons so that he can conduct interviews or other activities to find a job. He states that he lost his wife a couple of months ago due to an illness.
Complete the interview for Child Care benefits using the Case Note Generator and the appropriate FACS tabs for the Child Care benefit.
- Case Info
- Intake
- Household
- Income
- Child Care
- Child Care Service Plan Sub-Tab
- Expenses
- Social Services
In this example, the worker must approve child care with the weekly rate.
When certifying 3 months of job search child care for a single parent/caretaker household, the worker approves the children in the household for the weekly or blended rate unless the child meets an exception per Appendix C-4-C.
When certifying 3 months of job search child care for a 2-parent/caretaker household:
- When both parents/caretakers are unemployed the worker approves with the weekly or blended rate unless the child meets an exception per Appendix C-4-C.
- When 1 parent/caretaker is employed while the other parent/caretaker needs to search for a job, the case is approved based on the working parent’s need factor.
The authorization should be opened using reason “For caretaker to search for employment.”
FACS Eligibility Notebook Child Care Tab
FACS Eligibility Notebook Auth. Daycare Tab
After the approval clears, REFRESH the case using the “blue barrel” in FACS.
Then the worker must then immediately close child care (reason code “55-Job search period has ended”) effective three months from certification date. In this example, the certification date was effective 4/24/2024, so the date on the closure will be 07/24/24. The approval and closure must be completed in two separate actions.
Note: If there is open SNAP, the E section must be open to link the card. Please approve the child care authorization and use CARDR transaction to request that the card be linked (55g). Please note “job search” in the comments. Once the link has been completed the EBT specialist will notify the worker and the E Section can then be closed.
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