Child Care Subsidy: UpdatedOK ECC Parent Mobile APP FAQs

The following are Frequently Asked Questions regarding the ECC Connect App.

  1. I forgot my User ID. Pleased use the Forgot User ID link to have an email with your User ID sent to you. If they are not getting the email DHS will have access to the client’s User ID, email address and phone used to set up the account or the client can contact the customer service line at (405) 522-5050 for questions. Often the client has registered and misspelled something in their email address.
  1. I forgot my password. Please use the forgot password link on the app. The parent will be required to enter the last four of their SSN and case number in order to reset their password. Passwords must be between 8-12 characters with a minimum of 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter and 1 number or symbol. Symbols such as *are discouraged from being used.
  1. I cannot register my account. Please check to make sure the case number and last four of the SSN are correct. Please check to make sure the provider has banking information entered in EPPIC and an active POS installed.
  1. I can’t log in with the User ID. Check to make sure the parent’s aren’t trying to use the same user ID on two different phones. Each parent should have their own user ID on separate phones.
  1. My child is not showing up in the app. Check to see if the child has an open authorization at the day care. If not, they will not appear.
  1. It would help if I could see the days I’ve already checked in and out. This is a feature that is planned for the future.
  1. Why do I see other children on my phone? If you are on the same case as other parents’ you will be able to see all children associated with that case number.

AFS staff can contact EBT Support with additional questions through submitting the form when assisting a client.

EBT Support Questions


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