Topic: family group number
Information regarding the TI Transaction in IMS. Absent Parent Information
Information regarding EIL Transaction in IMS. Absent Parent List
The CIRIA screen is an inquiry screen to see information on the non-custodial parent (NCP), birth parent (BP) and the custodial parent (CP). This is a clone of the CIRI screen but does not contain Federal Tax Information data. The CIRIA screen has 5 pages. CIRIA is used to gain identifying information such as social […]
OBLI provides a list of obligations for each FGN. An obligation is the legal amount of support owned for the benefit of the child(ren) as ordered by a court or administrative procedure to be paid by the non-custodial parent (NCP) each month. An obligation is a recurring, ongoing obligation, not a one-time debt. There can […]
The CSML is an inquiry screen that shows the member list of the child support case. It is also the first screen to begin with that shows needed information to use for other CSS screens. For cases with multiple custodial parents (CP), you must know which CP has which child in order to look at […]