Child Support – CFRRPA

The CFRRPA is a receipt inquiry screen of child support payments by FGN. It is used to determine child support payments being made by Non-Custodial Parent (NCP). To determine how to consider the payment, the worker will need to look at the following payment information to see if the collection is: Recurring or non-recurring; Income […]

Child Support – CIRIA Screen 5

The CIRIA screen is an inquiry screen to see information on the non-custodial parent (NCP), birth parent (BP) and the custodial parent (CP). This is a clone of the CIRI screen but does not contain Federal Tax Information data. The CIRIA screen has 5 pages. CIRIA is used to gain identifying information such as social […]

Child Support – CIRIA Screen 4

The CIRIA screen is an inquiry screen to see information on the non-custodial parent (NCP), birth parent (BP) and the custodial parent (CP). This is a clone of the CIRI screen but does not contain Federal Tax Information data. The CIRIA screen has 5 pages. CIRIA is used to gain identifying information such as social […]

Child Support – CIRIA Screen 3

The CIRIA screen is an inquiry screen to see information on the non-custodial parent (NCP), birth parent (BP) and the custodial parent (CP). This is a clone of the CIRI screen but does not contain Federal Tax Information data. The CIRIA screen has 5 pages. CIRIA is used to gain identifying information such as social […]

Child Support – CIRIA Screen 2

The CIRIA screen is an inquiry screen to see information on the non-custodial parent (NCP), birth parent (BP) and the custodial parent (CP). This is a clone of the CIRI screen but does not contain Federal Tax Information data. The CIRIA screen has 5 pages. CIRIA is used to gain identifying information such as social […]

Child Support – CIRIA Screen 1

The CIRIA screen is an inquiry screen to see information on the non-custodial parent (NCP), birth parent (BP) and the custodial parent (CP). This is a clone of the CIRI screen but does not contain Federal Tax Information data. The CIRIA screen has 5 pages. CIRIA is used to gain identifying information such as social […]

Child Support – OBL

OBLI provides a list of obligations for each FGN. An obligation is the legal amount of support owned for the benefit of the child(ren) as ordered by a court or administrative procedure to be paid by the non-custodial parent (NCP) each month. An obligation is a recurring, ongoing obligation, not a one-time debt. There can […]

Child Support – OBLI

OBLI is an inquiry screen showing child support obligation information. OBLI is used to view primary elements of the obligation record. To view this screen: Login to IMS Clear the screen. Type OBL < space> and the family group number (FGN) Press ‘Enter’ From the OBL screen, tab to obligation you want to review and […]