MAGI – acronym for Modified Adjusted Gross Income. Financial eligibility for persons eligible to apply using Online Enrollment (OE) is determined using the modified adjusted gross income on income tax forms. Policy regarding this term is located at:
SoonerCare (Medicaid)[OE]:
- 317:35-5-46. Determination of income and resources for categorical relationship to pregnancy-related services;
- 317:35-6-1. Scope and applicability;
- 317:35-6-15. Application for SoonerCare for Pregnant Women and Families with Children; forms;
- 317:35-6-35. General eligibility consideration;
- 317:35-6-36. Financial eligibility of individuals categorically related to AFDC or pregnancy-related services; or expansion adults;
- 317:35-6-39. General calculation of countable income MAGI eligibility groups,
- 317:35-6-40. MAGI +household composition; taxpayers and tax dependents;
- 317:35-6-41. MAGI household composition; tax filers;
- 317:35-6-42. MAGI household composition; exceptions to tax filer rules;
- 317:35-6-43. MAGI household composition; non-filers;
- 317:35-6-51. Exceptions to Internal Revenue Code rules;
- 317:35-6-52. Adjustments to income;
- 317:35-6-54. Determination of current monthly amount of adjustments to income;
- 317:35-6-60.1. Changes in circumstances; and
- 317:35-7-48. Eligibility for the SoonerPlan Family Planning Program; and
- 317:35-15-6. Determining financial eligibility of categorically needy individuals.
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