Income – Garnishment, Overpayment, or Deferments

For ABD benefits, always count the gross.

Medicaid Programs and QI-1

Medicaid Benefits and QI-1 Explanation

State Interstate Match Contact

State Interstate Match Contact (PARIS)

Updated2024 National Directory of Contacts

Out-of-State Verification of Benefits

Disability Due to Death

Determining Category Relationship due to Death and FACS Coding

Applications – ABD Related & SSA Appeal

Information regarding previously denied applications and when they can be used again to certify a medical benefit.

UpdatedSpecial Needs Trust

What a special needs trust is, the criteria that must be met to be a special needs trust, what can be done with the money, what happens when the beneficiary dies, what are a worker’s responsibilities in regard to a special needs trust

Waivered Service Programs – Medically Fragile Waiver

The Medically Fragile program is Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s home and community-based alternative to placement in a hospital or skilled nursing facility.

What is Covered? Comparison Chart of SoonerCare Benefits

Link to SoonerCare Benefit Chart

Converting SoonerCare Medical from FACS to an Online Enrollment Case

The medical eligibility (aka SoonerCare) is now determined through the Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s (OHCA) Online Enrollment system.