Subject: AFS Policy

AFS Policy Overview
AFS Policy provides the rules and instructions that direct DHS employees. The Oklahoma Administrative Code provides a uniform and consistent format for DHS policy.
Additional Training: AFS Policy
Training Articles
- Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)
- Absent Parent
- ACCESS Oklahoma
- Acting in the Role of Spouse
- Additional Child/Person
- Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)
- Adoption
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Adult Non-Relative
- ADvantage Waiver
- Age
- Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD)
- Alien
- Alien Registration Number
- Application Date
- Application Process
- Assessment Tools
- Assignment of Support
- Asylee Seeking Asylum
- Authorized Representative
- Benefit Allotment
- Benefit Allowance
- Benefit Renewal
- Blended School Age Unit Type
- Boarders
- Buy-In
- Caretaker Relative
- Case Record
- Cash Assistance
- Categorical Relationship
- Categorically Needy
- Certification Period
- Certification Renewal
- Child Care Subsidy
- Child Support
- Citizenship and Alienage
- Collateral Contact
- Commensurate Return
- Common-Law Marriage
- Community Partnership (CP)
- Community Spouse
- Concurrent Receipt of Assistance (Duplicate Participation)
- Confidentiality
- Core Work Activities
- CWA Report
- Data Exchange
- Debit Card
- Deductions
- Deeming
- Degree of Relationship
- Delayed Application
- Deprivation
- Destroyed Food
- Disability Advocacy Program (DAP)
- UpdatedDisabled Individual
- Disaster Procedures
- Disclosure of Information
- Disqualified Household Member
- Documentary Evidence
- Earned Income
- Eligibility Conditions or Factors
- UpdatedEligibility Determination
- Eligible Couple
- Eligible Individual
- Eligible Individual with Essential Spouse
- Eligible Individual with Ineligible Spouse
- Eligible Individual with Ineligible Spouse and Dependent Child
- Employability Planning
- Employer Contact
- Exemptions
- Expedited Processing
- Expungement
- Failure or Refusal to Cooperate in Required Activities
- Fair Hearing
- Family Share Copayment
- Fleeing or Fugitive Felon
- Flexible Funds
- Food Stamp Disqualification Screen
- Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI)
- Fraud or Intentional Program Violation
- Good Cause
- Hardship Extension
- Head of Household
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- High School Equivalency Certificate
- Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBW)
- Home Visit
- Homeless
- Household Composition
- Identity
- In-Home Child Care
- Income
- Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
- Ineligible Alien
- Ineligible Spouse
- Inquiry
- Insurance
- Interview
- Irrevocable Trust
- Job Readiness
- Job Search
- Job Skills Training
- Joint Custody
- Kinship
- Legally-Binding Child Support
- Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU)
- Liquid Resource
- Literacy
- Long Term Care (LTC)
- Lump Sum Payment
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Minimum Wage
- Minor Parent
- Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)
- Need Factor
- Needy Caretaker
- New Hire List (NHL)
- Non-Core Work Activities
- Non-Household Member
- Non-Recurring Lump Sum Payment
- Notice
- Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI)
- Nursing Facility Services
- OK SNAP Works
- On-the-Job Training (OJT)
- Online Enrollment (OE)
- Orientation
- OSBI Background Check
- Overpayment
- Participant Allowance
- Paternity Affidavit
- Payee
- Penalty Period
- Permanent Resident
- Personal Care Services
- Principal Wage Earner (PWE)
- Program Violation
- Property
- Proration
- Protective/Preventive Child Care
- Public Assistance Procedures
- Qualified Disabled and Working Individual (QDWI)
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries Plus (QMBP)
- Qualifying Individual (QI-1)
- Questionable Information
- Rate Child Care
- Refugee
- Renewal
- Residence
- Resources
- UpdatedRetirement, Survivor’s and Disability Insurance (RSDI)
- Revocable Burial Fund
- Revocable Trust
- Roomer
- Sanction
- Self-Employment
- Separate Household
- Simplified Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SSNAP)
- Social Security Administration (SSA)
- Special Medical Status
- Special Needs Rate
- Specified Degree of Relationship
- Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB)
- STAR Status
- State Data Exchange System (SDX)
- State Supplemental Payment (SSP)
- State Work Incentive Program
- Striker
- Student
- Subsidized Employment
- Subsidized Employment Program (SEP)
- Substance Abuse
- Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Supplemental Security Income Disabled Children’s Program (SSI-DCP)
- Suspension
- Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement (SAVE)
- TANF Work
- Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA)
- Temporary Absence from Home
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Termination
- Third Party
- Time Limits
- Title XIX and XXI
- Transfer of Resources
- Transitional Benefits
- Transitional Food Benefits (TFB)
- Undocumented Aliens
- Unearned Income
- Unsubsidized Employment
- Verification or Proof
- Verified upon Receipt
- Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Voluntary Quit
- Voter Registration Services
- Vulnerability
- Work Activities
- Work Activity Payments
- Work Experience Program (WEP)
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- Work Tolerance
- Work-Eligible Person