Child Care Subsidy: Provider Change

The following are instructions on how to process a child care facility change.

In this example, Tammy Jones called her worker today to change her child care provider from contract number 23111 to new provider contract number 26475 effective 08/16/2024.
Instructions on how to process a child care facility change.

  1. In Action Taken, select “CHANGE OF INFORMATION ONLY” Resend the “change” action if it is already in the block.
  2. In Effective Date, enter the “NEXT EFFECTIVE DATE”. This is usually the first day of the next month. Resend the effective date if it is the correct date and already in the block.

• In Effective Date, enter the “NEXT EFFECTIVE DATE”. This is usually the first day of the next month. Resend the effective date if it is the correct date and already in the block.

  1. Go to the AUTH. DAYCARE TAB in the Eligibility Notebook
  2. Select the Correct person and UPDATE THE FOLLOWING BLOCKS for the provider authorization which is being closed.
  3. Action Taken – Closed
  4. Reason – 4) Change of Providers
  5. End Date* – This is the current or a future date
  6. Notice Indicator – Advance Notice Not Required

*Closure Actions Taken after the 27th of the month must have an end date of the 1st day of the next month.

  1. Hit “INSERT” on your keyboard to obtain a new blank authorization screen for the new provider.
  2. UPDATE ONLY THE FOLLOWING BLOCKS for the new authorization:
  3. Contract Number – Enter the new provider’s contract number
  4. Action Taken – Open
  5. Reason – Enter the appropriate code
  6. Child Care Request Date – Use the original application date
  7. Begin/Change Date – This is the date child started the new provider
  8. Review Date – Computer will auto update. Do not touch this field
  9. Unit Type – Enter the Appropriate Code
  10. Number of Units – Enter the Appropriate Selection
  11. Notice Indicator – Change of Provider
  1. Click “ACTIONS” on the FACS toolbar, go to Case Check and choose “Check Tab.” The Case Check Dialogue Box will appear with possible errors regarding your authorization
    • If the Case Check Dialog Box lists any problems, click “Cancel” and go back to the Auth. Daycare Tab, fix the problem, and then repeat step of Clicking “ACTIONS” on the FACS toolbar, go to Case Check and choose “Check Tab”.
    • If the Case Check Dialogue Box lists no problems, click “Cancel” and SAVE the case.
  2. SEND the Case to the Supervisor

Additional Guidelines:

  • We use the date that the child entered the facility, not the date that the client reported the change for the begin/change date;
  • you cannot close for a past date. It can only be a current date or a future date;
  • if there are no other changes to the plan of service, it is not considered a negative action;
  • the change needs to be completed within two working days from the date it is reported;
  • the worker only authorizes care on that provider through original closure date;
  • if there are no other changes to make besides child care provider change, no changes to Interview Notebook will be necessary.
  • if the provider change results in the case having more than one child care provider, make sure to code which child care provider is (N) non-exempt for copayment and which one(s) are (S) co-pay exempt. Refer to article Copay; To Exempt, or not to Exempt
  • if we are adding a secondary provider, we aren’t able to code the unit type as either Blended 23 or weekly 5. We have to put the number of units that customer plans to use the childcare each month
  • if you receive edits after the official supervisor review, always refresh (blue barrel) your case prior to touching the authorization lines.

See quick guide for these step by step instructions without FACS screenshots: Child Care Quick Guide Change of Provider

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