Topic: Work
Overview of Earned Income
Clarify when changes must be reported and acted upon by the worker with 12 month eligibility.
TANF Transportation Due to the current status of the budget situation, we are looking at avenues to help in reducing excessive spending. This gives us the perfect opportunity to take a look at our TANF transportation costs and review best practices on how to utilize transportation most effectively and cost efficiently. The following discussion will […]
Benefit renewal – the term used for the semi-annual or annual eligibility determination made following an initial benefit certification. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-5-1. Child care plan; 340:40-7-3. Age requirements; 340:40-7-8. Defining the need factor for child care benefits; 340:40-7-11. Sources of income considered; 340:40-9-1. Review of child care […]
Work-Related Barriers Some things that hinder empathy are related to… Lack of Experience: New employees sometimes don’t have the work experience it takes to be empathetic; and Other workers sometimes don’t have the life experience it takes to be empathetic. Lack of Knowledge: Some workers don’t know how to act on their empathy. Work-Related Solutions […]
The following are instructions on how to process a child care facility change.
If a person is working a minimum of 20 hours per week and receiving compensation for that work, then he is said to be “Meeting the Work Rule” and receive SNAP benefits without any time limit. However, the client must report if their hours drop below 20 per week so we can update the case status.
TANF Work – the term used to describe the work component part of TANF. All parents or needy caretakers who apply for or receive TANF cash assistance from Oklahoma are required to be engaged in a work activity. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-7-7. Establishing the need factor for child […]
Qualified Disabled and Working Individual (QDWI) – means individuals who have lost their Title II Social Security benefits due to excess earnings, but have been allowed to retain Medicare coverage. Policy regarding this term is located at: Public Assistance Procedures (SoonerCare): 340:65-3-1. Determination of eligibility. SoonerCare (Medicaid)[ABD]: 317:35-1-2. Definitions; 317:35-5-63. Agency responsible for determination of […]
Need factor – a term used in the Child Care Subsidy Program to denote why the client needs child care.