Child Care Subsidy: EBT Card

Initial Certification

Each client approved for child care must obtain an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. Before being issued an EBT card, the client must watch the child care benefits video which explains how to use the card. At the interview, the worker should instruct the client to swipe their EBT card every day the child attends the facility regardless of whether pending or denied swipes are received. Clients should be instructed to contact their worker immediately if they experience any issues with their EBT card, such as denied swipes. The worker should also tell the client that he or she should never give his or her EBT card to the child care provider or anyone else, and to never swipe attendance for days the child is not in care.

Change in Child Care Provider EBT

Copayment issues may occur if the client changes child care providers in the middle of the month. The new facility may require the client to pay the entire copayment until it is determined if any copayment is due to the new facility.

When a client begins taking his or her child to a new facility before the worker completes the change of providers on the system, the client will receive a “pending different provider” message on the Point of Service (POS) machine. The system automatically pays “pending different provider” swipes once the authorization for the new provider is on the system. An EBT-4 is only needed if the client receives “pending different provider” swipes for more than 90 days.

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