CWA: Organizational Strategies – CWA Report

For those who utilize ACES Reports regularly to do their job, the County Worker Action (CWA) reports can be a very effective organizational and time management tool.

The CWA provides a variety of reports to alert you about new applications as well as mid-certification renewals, case reviews, and potential follow-up actions which may be needed on open cases.

The following suggestions are designed to help you get the maximum benefit from the CWA report:

  • Enter and update case information as accurately and quickly as possible. The CWA reports use the data you enter in the computer system to track the case status and potential action(s) you may need to take.
    • For example, if a client requests benefits but the application is never put into “application status’ on the computer, the case will not show up as a pending application on the CWA report.
  • Review your CWA at least twice a week and use it as a work “roadmap” of potential caseload tasks.
    • For example, a CWA reviewed on a Monday will help direct where to spend your time as the week begins. A CWA reviewed on a Thursday will show what new applications have been assigned or transferred to you throughout the week.
  • Break your work into manageable chunks by indicating on your CWA what cases need to be done each week.
    • On Monday, review your pending applications [reports (00) and (01)] and underline or highlight what cases must be completed by close of business on Friday.
    • Include pending applications with weekend deadlines as cases which must be completed for the week as well as those needing to be done on a Friday or Monday holiday.
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