How to Close a TANF Case on Child / Spousal Support

Closing TANF because of Child / Spousal Support. Continued Medical Instructions.

Transitional Benefits

Transitional benefits – when a person becomes ineligible for TANF or SNAP, he or she is sometimes eligible for continued benefits for a specified period of time. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy:  340:40-7-1. Categories of eligibility. SNAP:  340:50-11-20. Scope; and 340:50-11-27. Changes after application and during the certification period. SoonerCare […]

Special Medical Status

Special medical status – occurs in certain instances when an individual’s SSP benefit or TANF cash assistance closes and the individual or family remains eligible for medical benefits. For TANF, this occurs when the TANF cash assistance payment would be less than the $10 minimum TANF benefit or when the TANF benefit is frozen while […]


Suspension – means an administrative action to temporarily interrupt receipt of SSP or SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefits.

Caretaker Relative

Caretaker relative – means a person other than the biological or adoptive parent with whom the child resides who meets the specified degree of relationship within the fifth degree of kinship.  Policy regarding this term is located at: SoonerCare (Medicaid)[OE]:  317:35-1-2. Definitions; 317:35-5-2. Categorically related programs; 317:35-5-7. Determining categorical relationship to the children and parent […]

How to Close a TANF Case on Earnings

Verify employment information: start date, wage, hours scheduled, etc. Open an employment line on the Auth ET&E tab (a.k.a. TANF WORK) in FACS. Person Name = Employed individual Action taken = Open Component = Employment full-time or part-time (depending on hours scheduled) Source = Employer name Begin/Change Date = Date employment began End Date = […]

ELIGIBILITY – Continued Medical Benefits for TANF Earned Income Closures

Continued Medical Benefits (CMB)