How to Close Child Only TANF (Age Out)

Highlights the process of closing child only TANF when child ages out of the program.

Correct Coding of Transitional Food Benefits (TFB)

Effective June 1, 2009 the TFB period was extended to five months. When the TANF benefit is closed on client’s request (46A, 46B, or 46C), the worker must determine if the client is requesting closure of both TANF and SNAP benefits. **REMINDER: For reasons of client’s requests (46A, 46B, or 46C), the system will not […]

Transitional Food Benefits FAQs

Q/A regarding Transitional Food Benefits

Caretaker Relative

Caretaker relative – means a person other than the biological or adoptive parent with whom the child resides who meets the specified degree of relationship within the fifth degree of kinship.  Policy regarding this term is located at: SoonerCare (Medicaid)[OE]:  317:35-1-2. Definitions; 317:35-5-2. Categorically related programs; 317:35-5-7. Determining categorical relationship to the children and parent […]

ELIGIBILITY – Continued Medical Benefits for TANF Earned Income Closures

Continued Medical Benefits (CMB)