WORK – Transportation

TANF Transportation Due to the current status of the budget situation, we are looking at avenues to help in reducing excessive spending. This gives us the perfect opportunity to take a look at our TANF transportation costs and review best practices on how to utilize transportation most effectively and cost efficiently. The following discussion will […]

Work Activities

Work activities – TANF participants must participate in work activities to help make them employment ready.

Participant Allowance

Participant allowance – daily cash allowances, up to a maximum of $13 for each day, are made to participants in assigned TAN f Work activities which are scheduled, structured, and supervised. TANF: 340:10-2-1. Work requirements; 340:10-2-3. Employability planning; 340:10-2-5. Job search activities; and 340:10-2-8. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Work support services.