Quality Control (QC): SNAP Quality Control (QC) Fact Sheet

SNAP Quality Control (QC) Fact Sheet

A SNAP Quality Control (QC) Review is a way to ensure our household’s eligibility and benefit levels are correct. SNAP QC Social Services Inspectors (Reviewers) review cases on households who have applied for, received, or have been denied SNAP benefits to make sure that households received the correct amount of SNAP benefits on time or that the case was denied or closed correctly. SNAP QC reviews are required by federal law.

Who are SNAP Quality Control Social Services Inspectors (Reviewers)?
SNAP QC Social Services Inspectors (Reviewers) are state employees working for our agency.
How does Quality Control choose cases?
SNAP cases are randomly chosen from the computer system for a QC review. These cases were not chosen because of something the client did or did not do. By reviewing randomly selected cases, OKDHS can find out if the local office followed the rules set by the federal government.
Does the client have to participate in the Quality Control review?
Yes, cases chosen for a QC review, federal law states that the client must cooperate with the review. If they do not give the information requested or refuse to cooperate with the QC review, their SNAP case will close and the client will not be eligible for benefits until they complete the review.
What happens during a Quality Control Review?
First, the QC reviewer will look at the client’s case, including reviewing documentation that was provided to see what actions were taken by the local office.
The QC reviewer will need to interview an adult member of the SNAP household and collect documentation to make sure they are receiving the correct amount of SNAP benefits.
Why does Quality Control need to do an interview?
QC rules set by the federal government require that the household be interviewed. At this time QC has an FNS approved waiver which allows for all interviews to be conducted by phone.
What kind of documents does the client need for the Quality Control review?
The client will need to give the QC Reviewer documentation about their income, expenses, who is living in the home, etc. The specific documentation needed may vary depending on their situation, but could include items such as pay stubs, a rental agreement, and utility bills. This documentation may be the same as what the client gave the local SNAP office during their application, or it may be more current.
Usually, the information the client has already provided the caseworker is not for the month that the QC Reviewer has to review. The QC Reviewer must check any information that has not been given in writing, including actual bills and income. QC Reviewers, like eligibility workers, do everything possible in assisting the client in gathering the necessary documents needed to complete the QC review.
Will the SNAP food benefits amount change?
If we find the case was worked correctly, then the benefits stay the same. If the client reports a change while talking with a QC Reviewer or if we find new information, we send caseworkers a notice to agency to adjust the client’s benefits.
What if the client has a pending interview concerning an application or review during a QC review interview?
Sometimes QC interviews can line up with the interview needed to complete a pending SNAP application. Unfortunately, the QC Reviewer is unable to complete any portion of the eligibility worker’s interview or handling of the case. This can be very confusing to a client who needs to complete both interviews at or around the same time. If the client is at the local county office during a face-to-face QC interview, the QC Reviewer will assist the client in getting checked in to see an eligibility worker so that they can also complete the interview concerning the application. The QC Reviewer does advise the client of all their options on how to complete the other interview requirement when completing QC interviews with clients outside of the local county office. QC Reviewers know that they are an important contact to the client during the QC review and provide applications and referrals to assist in meeting the household needs during this time.
We ask the eligibility worker that if you notice in case notes that a QC Reviewer is trying to reach a client to please pass that information along to the household during your interview or interactions with the household. Also, send an email to the QC Reviewer whose name is included in the case note letting them know you spoke to the client to let them know the QC Reviewer is attempting to contact them.
The federal requirements for a QC review can be confusing for a client, who can often be cautious of a QC Reviewer. As a result, the client may reach out to an eligibility worker to verify the QC Reviewer is an OKDHS employee or that a QC Review is required. The household’s food benefits are important to us. Eligibility workers helping to address the client’s questions and fears are pivotal in completing necessary QC reviews.
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