Resolving an Unemployment Compensation (UIB) Discrepancy

Unemployment Benefits Information UIB

Resolving an Employment History (OWG) Discrepancy

Resolving /clearing OWG discrepancy.

Resolving a State New Hire List (SNH)/National New Hire (NNH) Discrepancy

Resolving /clearing NHL discrepancy.

Resolving a Social Security Income SDX/BEN Discrepancy

This discrepancy is considered verified upon receipt. This means that once the discrepancy is received, the worker checks the appropriate screens (SDX or BEN) to see if the client is receiving new income from the Social Security Administration or if the previous income has changed or ended. The worker updates the case based on this […]

G1DX Report

The G1DX Report is used to check for discrepancies between information coded on a case and what is available through data exchanges with other entities such as SSA regarding income and other eligibility factors. The information should be investigated and the cases updated, if necessary, to prevent overpayments or underpayments from occurring. As you resolve […]