Income: Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) FAQS

Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) is the TANF and/or SSI payment amount reduction applied as income for SNAP when the TANF or SSI is reduced or closed because of a program violation. The following are FAQS regarding Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) Q1. The TANF benefit has been closed for reason “52A” or “29B.” What […]

Income: Procedure for SSI Related Food Stamp Penalty Income(FSPI)

At times you will encounter SNAP cases that display a Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI). This is shown on block C.47 on the EC page in IMS. Refer to article: Income: What is Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) If the FSPI is from SSI sanctions, then the following special procedures apply. If you encounter a […]

Penalty Period

Penalty or disqualification period – the length of time an individual or household is not eligible or the benefit is reduced.  Depending on the program, the penalty may be removed as soon as the individual cooperates or it may be assigned for a certain time frame.  Policy regarding this term is located at: Public Assistance […]

Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI)

FSPI– is an acronym for Food Stamp Penalty Income. This is the TANF payment amount reduction applied as income for SNAP when the TANF benefit is reduced or closed because of a program violation. SNAP: 340:50-7-29.Income inclusions. TANF: 340:10-2-2. Sanction process; and 340:10-3-57. Special considerations.

How to Remove TANF Work Sanction (52A Closure) Penalty Income

Identify the SS number of the person with the penalty income Go to IMS and type FSPI (space) SS number, Press Enter Tab  once and enter FSPU, Press Enter The list below details the codes for the TYPE field: W = Case Closed for TANF Work Non-Cooperation A = School Attendance TANF Program Violation C = Child […]

Income: What is Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI)

Policy 340:10-2-2 Food Stamp Penalty Income (FSPI) is the TANF and/or SSI payment amount reduction applied as income for SNAP when the TANF or SSI is reduced or closed because of a program violation. A food stamp penalty income (FSPI) will show in block C.47 on the EC page in IMS. It will count on […]