National Voter Registration Act (NVRA): Systems Related

The following are FAQS on Systems and National Voter Registration Act (NVRA):

  1. What happens when the client submits an address change at the same time he or she submits a benefit renewal or application?

If the client uses OKDHSLive! to submit the address change and renewal, the Voter Registration Application will go to the new address.

When the worker updates the address in the same action as he or she completed the benefit renewal or application, the Voter Registration Application is sent to the address on file when the voter registration request screens are completed and saved.

  1. If I select the checkbox indicating the client would like to register to vote in FACS, will the Voter Registration Application immediately generate or do I need to push the action through in FACS before the form is sent to the client?

The Voter Registration Application is mailed when you “Save” the case.

  1. If DHS staff scans Form 08MP007E, Voter Registration Statement, more than once in workflow for the same qualifying event, does staff need to delete the duplication?

Do not worry about deleting the duplicate form. If the client completed more than one Form 08MP007E, Voter Registration Statement, check to be sure the client’s answer to the voter preference question did not change.

  1. When should a worker enter a case note regarding voter registration services?

Once you select an answer in FACS or LIVE and save the case, a case note will be made automatically. The worker only needs to make a separate case note when special circumstances occur such as when the:

  • Worker provides more than one Voter Registration Application;
  • Client partially completes a Voter Registration Application; or
  • Client becomes agitated when informed that a Voter Registration Application will be mailed after the client said he or she did not want one.
  1. If a clerical updates the offer in FACS, will the Voter Registration Request screen pop up when the worker opens the case to complete the application or renewal?

Yes, the Voter Registration Request screen pops up each time staff opens a case in FACS. When the voter registration offer was already made for this qualifying event, the worker chooses “Application, renewal, or address change but voter registration action already recorded for this action.”

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