Hardship Extension Procedures

Procedure for Hardship Extensions

Medical Retro Certification & Notification of Eligibility

Medical Retro Certification & Instructions on completing form 08MA004E

UpdatedHardship Waiver

Policy: 317:35-9-67 DDS Waiver 317:35-17-10 ADvantage 317:35-5-41.8 Eligibility regarding long-term care services Who submits hardship decisions? The Adult & Family Services (AFS) Family Services Specialist prepares the request for a hardship decision (as opposed to: Nursing Home, APS, Family, etc.) after staffing with Supervisor, and the Supervisor submits to AFS HRMS. Who makes hardship decisions? State […]

Hardship Extension

Hardship extension – federal and state regulations restrict TANF receipt for a total of 60 calendar months unless a hardship extension is approved. Hardship extensions may be approved by AFS TANF staff when the adult is under-employed, has a pending disability application with the Social Security Administration, is caring for a disabled child or spouse, […]

Home Property with Equity > the Maximum Home Equity Standard

Home Property Explanation