SNAP SSA Joint Processing

SSA OHS Agreement

Income – Unearned Income Checklist

Key Points in Reviewing Unearned Income

Identifying and Coding SSI Overpayments

SDX Data Exchange Screen and Overpayment information

Social Security Early Retirement and Categorical Relationship

Impact of Early Retirement on Eligibility

Applications – ABD Related & SSA Appeal

Information regarding previously denied applications and when they can be used again to certify a medical benefit.

Income – Social Security COLA and Continued Eligibility

When the annual COLA makes a client over income, the benefit can stay open till the new standards come out.

How To Initiate a TPQYC Request

Use the following procedure (TPQYC) in IMS to request information from Social Security Administration

How to Read SDX Screens

Reading SDX Screens

State Supplemental Payment (SSP)

The State Supplemental Payment (SSP) provides cash assistance to people who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Policy 340:15-1-1. Purpose and legal bases 340:15-1-2. Definitions 340:15-1-4. State Supplemental Payment plan 340:15-1-5. State Supplemental Payment 340:15-1-6. Special requirements 340:15-3-1. Eligibility and available services