Topic: Student Policy
On-the-job training (OJT) – is subsidized employment in which a participant is hired by a private or public employer and, while engaged in productive work, receives training that provides knowledge or skills essential to the full performance of that job. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-7-11. Sources of income considered; […]
On-the-job training (OJT) – is subsidized employment in which a participant is hired by a private or public employer and, while engaged in productive work, receives training that provides knowledge or skills essential to the full performance of that job.
Non-household member – is a person living in the home of a household applying for or receiving food benefits who cannot be included in the food benefit.
High school equivalency certificate – Persons seeking to obtain a high school equivalency certificate enroll in coursework that helps them pass a test that demonstrates they possess the knowledge equivalent to a high school graduate. Possible test include the High School Equivalency Exam (HISET), General Educational Development (GED), or the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC). […]