Beginning October 1st, 2021, Child Care Subsidy will allow 3 months of job search for those who have lost their employment for any reason.
What you need to know:
- The family must meet all other eligibility requirements.
- The E Section must be open to link the EBT card if there is open SNAP
- Client will apply for job search child care using OKDHSLive.
- 3 month job search is only available for child care applicants. 3 month job search is not available at renewal. At renewal, the client must meet a need factor for child care to continue.
- The client may only receive job search one time every 12 months. For example, if the client received 3 months of job search from November 5th, 2021 through February 5th, 2022, the client would not be eligible for job search again until February 6th, 2023.
- When the worker receives an application for child care that does not indicate the client (or at least one of the parents in 2 parent households) is working or in school or training, the worker must call the client to determine if the request is for job search.
- If job search is requested, the worker must verify:
- when and where they last worked and the date of the final paycheck (it does not matter how long the client has been unemployed, they may have never worked).
- the name and contract number of the provider they want to use. Families must choose a child care provider who is licensed and contracted with OKDHS to accept subsidy payments.
If the client needs to get an EBT card, please refer to the guidance for all Child Care mailed cards in article EBT Card Issuance Instructions.
- When certifying 3 months of job search child care for a single parent/caretaker household, the worker approves the children in the household for the weekly or blended rate unless the child meets an exception per Appendix C-4-C.
- When certifying 3 months of job search child care for a 2-parent/caretaker household:
- When both parents/caretakers are unemployed the worker approves with the weekly or blended rate.
- When 1 parent/caretaker is employed while the other parent/caretaker needs to search for a job, the care is approved based on the working parent’s need factor.
- For instance, if Dad works M,W,F and mom is searching for a job, the worker approves 14 units/month. (Dad must watch the children on Tuesday and Thursday).
- Households are only allowed one job search certification in twelve (12) months, even if it is a two-parent household.
- When the client gets a job during the 3 month job search period or within 30 days of the job search closure, no new application is required.
- The client must report new employment and provide verification if they want child care to continue past the third month. Normal income eligibility guidelines apply for care following the job search period.
- An individual may be involved in a training course that is not an eligible need factor because it’s unpaid training or not approved for FAFSA e.g., a CNA course. Discuss with client if they are willing to also search for employment in addition to taking the course to use job search child care for that time.
As always, please document all eligibility information and conversations with the client in FACS case notes.
Please review the following Quest article – for examples of how to code approvals, closures, change of providers and recertification after closure.
Child Care Subsidy: 3 Month Job Search Approval and Closure
Child Care Subsidy: 3 Month Job Search Extending Child Care
Child Care Subsidy: 3 Month Job Search Extending Child Care Additional Examples
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