Child Care Subsidy: 3 Month Job Search – Extending Child Care Additional Examples

In the 3 Month Job Search – Extending Child Care article, an example was given with key items to keep in mind when employment was obtained coming off a job search period as well as processing steps. The following are additional examples that need to be considered when processing job search child care cases.

These examples are:

Example1: 2 Parent household, both started job during job search

Susan and her husband John applied for childcare on July 15th for job search. Their closure date was Oct 15th During this time, Susan found a job at McFries on Sept 9th and John started working at Acme Moving Inc Sept 11th. Susan received her first full paycheck on Sept 20th and John received his first full paycheck on Sept 27th.
Case coding:CC app date: 07/15/XX (not changed)

CC cert date: 10/16/XX (date after their closure date)

Authorizations all reopened effective 10/16/20XX

Income: all income will be calculated using MICAL and copay may be applied effective 10/16/2024

Example 2: Single parent meeting need factor during job search

Veronica applied for job search on Jan 12th. Her closure date for the benefit is April 12th. She started working April 1st and she is set to receive her first full check April 16th. She has reapplied on OKDHSLIVE to extend her benefits.
Case coding:Send remedy ticket to back off the application status. Once complete coding is as follows:

CC app date: 01/12/20XX

CC cert date: 4/17/20XX (date after it closed)

Effective months: 01 (as she will receive first full check prior to the following month)

Effective month: 04/17/20XX

Authorizations: leave alone until you have pushed through the unfinished month

Income: Income diverted for month of cert (04/17). Add to MICAL but use Diverted income block to remove this income

Push all the way through, refresh your case

Childcare tab:

Effective months: 99

Effective month: 05/01/20XX (the month following her first full check)

Remove the amount in the diverted income block

Authorizations: reopen all authorizations by selecting “Reopen” for “retain employment”. Send notice indicator of “reopen approval” and remove the end date.

See Unfinished Issuance Examples and Coding for more guidance on this process

Example 3: Singe parent household asking job search, verification not provided

Justin applied for job search March 1st. He had open benefits until June 1st. He has applied for job search extension on May 23. At that time, he did not provide any need factor. He put on his application that he isn’t meeting a need factor.
How do we handle this request?Submit a remedy ticket as Remedy will need to back off the application. If the parent has not turned in any verification of meeting a need factor, childcare is to remain closed. We would notify them by phone or what is needed to extend their childcare past the date of closure and document this in case notes. Since case is closed, we do not have to issue ADM92.

Example 4: Extension request 2 parent household, 1 meeting need factor

Martha and Jason’s Job search closed on Job search April 25th. They have called and asked for an extension as Martha has obtained a job with HammerTime Hardware. Jason has not found a job yet.
How do we handle this request?If one parent is still not meeting a need factor, we aren’t able to extend the childcare for this household. We would allow the case to close and would advise the customer to let us know when both are meeting that need factor and to provide their income/schedules for both parents at that time.

See our Quick Guide Child Care Quick Guide Extending Childcare after Job Search for more information.

Example 5:

Johna was approved for Job search on May 20th with a closure date of August 20th. In early August, she enrolled at the local junior college with classes to begin August 19th and provided school schedule.
How do we handle this request.CC app date: 05/20/XX (not changed)

CC cert date: 08/21/XX (date after their closure date)

Authorizations all reopened effective 08/20/20XX

Change reason code in Auth Tab to attending school.

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