ABD Household: Whose Income Counts for ABD

Clarification on ABD Households and income consideration.

UpdatedHow to Calculate Nursing Home Vendor Payment

Gives information on calculating vendor payment

How to Code for Eligible Couple (State Supplemental Payment)

How to divide the couple’s income between their two cases and code it in FACS

Spousal Impoverishment Examples – Income

Income is determined separately for an individual and his/her spouse for ADvantage, Nursing Home Care and Home Community Base Waiver / Intellectually Disabled (HCBW/ID) services. If the Community Spouse (CS’s) monthly gross income is less than the Maximum monthly income standard as shown on Appendix C-1, Schedule XI, the Institutionalized Spouse (IS) may deem a […]

Spousal Impoverishment

When the LTC applicant has a Spouse The intent of this policy is to ensure the community spouse (CS) avoids being left with nothing. Income is determined separately for an individual and his/her spouse for ADvantage, Nursing Home Care and Home Community Base Waiver/Intellectually Disabled (HCBW/ID) services. If the CS’s monthly gross income is less […]