Death of Payee

How to close childcare services for death of payee.


Addressing how to complete SDX and BENDEX changes for SNAP program

Harmony Procedures – Closures/Denials

ELDERS Procedures concerning Closures and Denials

Payee Changes

Instructions regarding scenarios where the payee needs to be changed.

Disability Due to Death

Determining Category Relationship due to Death and FACS Coding

Process for Closing Medical (Death)

Process for closing medical on reason of death.

Process for Closing Cases (Death)

Procedure to close LTC authorizations for reason (death).

Resolving a Date of Death (DOD) Discrepancy

Steps to take with Date of Death Data Discrepancy

30 Day Out of Home Requirement (ICF or ICF/IID Institutionalization)

Intended to explain when payment can be made for ICF or ICF/IID care and which income/resource guidelines are used.