Topic: Adm-92
Instructions regarding G1DX Errors and Medical Cases.
Guidance on Addressing Unclear Information
Steps to take with Date of Death Data Discrepancy
Guidelines for using FDENY 59
Guidelines for using FDENY reason 45
Presumptive Eligibility processing means the worker may approve a maximum of 30-calendar days of child care based on limited information. As such, the client is “presumed” eligible until a full eligibility determination can be made. The client may or may not have a copayment depending on the circumstances of the case. Presumptive Eligibility processing may […]
Eligibility and how to handle it
Access EKL screen for the case. In IMS, enter EKL case number Tab down to the correct authorization and enter ETPANEW FOR MONTH – Enter the month and year of the TW13 in MM/YY format. On the upper portion enter an E with the number of hours the client was absent for that day for […]