NewIncome – Self-Employment for Medical Programs

How to determine if income is self-employment Person files or would be able to file taxes as self-employed or declares themselves as self-employed Person says they are an independent contractor If in doubt, check with the parent company to see if it considers the client to be self-employed or an employee. If the business says […]

UpdatedOK SNAP Works Partners

Site to house links to community partners involved with the OK SNAP Works Program

Self-Employment Tax Forms & FACS Coding

How to code Self Employment in FACS, Case Note Emphasis

UpdatedEarly Head Start – CCP Grant Facilities

Facilities that are participating in an Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP) will be assigned a second contract number to be used only for those children attending a new Early Head Start classroom created as a result of the EHS-CCP grants. Any other children in the family who attend the same facility but […]

Early Head Start / Child Care Partnership Grant Programs – What Are They?

In January of 2014, Congress appropriated $500,000,000 to expand the number and quality of early learning slots for infants and toddlers through Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCP) grants. These grants allow new or existing Early Head Start programs to partner with local child care centers and family child care providers serving infants and toddlers […]

Community Partnership (CP)

Community Partnership (CP) – a term used for a structured TANF Work activity in which a TANF recipient performs work for the direct benefit of the community.  A CP may be approved for both public and non-profit agencies and organizations.  A CP assignment must be limited to projects that serve a useful community purpose and are […]

Self Employment Overview

Overview of Self-Employment

Self-Employment Income

Self-Employment Income Self-employed income is usually income from an individual’s own business, trade, or profession rather than from an employer.  However, some individuals may have an employer and receive a regular salary. If an employer does not withhold income taxes or FICA, even if required to do so by law, the person is considered self-employed. […]