Shelter Expenses Gemba Card

Document & Resource for Gemba of Shelter Deduction

Tuberculosis (TB) Cases

317:35-5-4.(4) 317:35-5-47 317:35-7-60(a)(5) 317:35-7-44   The TB program is intended to cover treatment for the condition. It does not provide full SoonerCare coverage. If applicant wants full SoonerCare but is not age 65 or older, s/he will need to apply with Social Security to get a disability decision. What is needed to determine eligibility Verification […]

How to Code Child Support 1/3 Deduction for Child with Disability

317:35-5-42(b)(5) If child support is received for a minor child with a disability, 1/3 is deducted from the eligible child’s share of the child support; the remainder is counted towards eligibility. CMS has said that the deduction is still given if an adult receives support that should have been received while s/he was still a […]

Appendix C-3

The following is a link to the Appendix C-3, Maximum Food Benefit Allotments and Standards for Income and Deductions. NOTE: Categorically eligible households where all members receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are not subject to either the gross or net monthly income tests for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program […]

NON-PS2 Instructions (Expenses)

This is a list with descriptions of the non-PS2 fields in the FACS Expenses Tab.

SSI-Criteria State Blind Working Expenses (BWE) & Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE)

Expenses that allow people with disabilities and specifically people who are blind to work can be exempted from their earned income. The expenses allow the individual to participate in gainful work activities. They are allowed the amount they actually spend on the item for each month. Non-recurring expenses may not be annualized. The following are […]

ELIGIBILITY – Child Support Expenses FAQS

Is a client given a child support deduction if she/he pays child support to someone outside of the home? Yes, the deduction is given in step-parent income calculation 340:10-3-57(e). If a client is court ordered to pay his/her children’s medical insurance premium in addition to child support, can the monthly insurance premium be considered a […]

UpdatedSSI-Criteria State Order of Deductions for Earned Income

Order of deductions to earned income of ABD individual.

Legally-Binding Child Support

Legally-binding child support – means. verified court ordered child support payments paid by a household member to or for a non-household member, including child support and child care support payments made to a third party on behalf of the non-household member.


Actual income – income received in a given month versus what is estimated or anticipated. Child Care Subsidy:  340:40-7-10. General provisions regarding income; 340:40-7-11. Sources of income considered; 340:40-7-13. Computation of income; and 340:40-9-2. Case changes. SNAP:  340:50-5-49. Sponsored aliens; and 340:50-7-46. Converting to monthly income. SoonerCare (Medicaid)[OE]:  317:35-5-42. Determination of countable income for individuals […]