When to Prorate

When is it appropriate to prorate expenses?

UpdatedIncome – Self-Employment (Contract Laborers)

A contract laborer is self-employed when there is an employer/employee relationship and the employer does not withhold income taxes or Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Verification Once a client files a federal tax return, obtain a copy of the tax return. If the income on the tax return is not representative or the client has […]

PS2 Instructions – Section C (SNAP Benefits)

This is a list with descriptions of each Section C field in IMS.

SSI-Criteria State Blind Working Expenses (BWE) & Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE)

Expenses that allow people with disabilities and specifically people who are blind to work can be exempted from their earned income. The expenses allow the individual to participate in gainful work activities. They are allowed the amount they actually spend on the item for each month. Non-recurring expenses may not be annualized. The following are […]

ELIGIBILITY – Child Support Expenses FAQS

Is a client given a child support deduction if she/he pays child support to someone outside of the home? Yes, the deduction is given in step-parent income calculation 340:10-3-57(e). If a client is court ordered to pay his/her children’s medical insurance premium in addition to child support, can the monthly insurance premium be considered a […]

Expenses – Child Support FAQs

Child Support Deduction FAQS Is a client given a child support deduction if she/he pays child support to someone outside of the home? Yes, a deduction is given for verified legally binding child support being paid to someone outside the food benefit household per 340:50-7-31. If a client is court ordered to pay his/her children’s […]

Child Support Deduction FAQs

Is a client given a child support deduction if she/he pays child support to someone outside of the home? Yes, the client is given a deduction if paying verified legally-binding child support to or for a non-household member. Policy is at 340:40-7-13(e). If a client is court ordered to pay his/her children’s medical insurance premium […]

EC Screen

Check the EC screen to obtain SNAP information. To view this screen: Login to IMS Clear the screen Type EC (space) and the case number Press ‘Enter’ Status O = Open Section Detail Status I = Issuing Benefits   Field Descriptions C1 – Application Date C2 – Certification Date C3 – Type Action Taken 1 […]