Process for Closing Medical (Death)

Process for closing medical on reason of death.

Home Property Exemption and Adjacent Properties

317:35-5-41.1 (b) The home exemption goes to the primary residence. That extension also covers adjacent properties. “Adjacent” is defined as the property lines touch even if there is an easement, road, creek or anything similar that separates the properties. Examples of adjacent properties shown here. The adjacent properties in addition to the home property; are […]

Categorical Relationship – ABD Eligibility after SSI Closure

A client may still be eligible for DHS disability and blindness related benefits if SSI closes their benefit for income or resources.

UpdatedIncome – Adjusting SSI for New or Increased Income

When a client has new or increased income, DHS uses the current month’s income and resources to determine the current month’s benefit. SSI, on the other hand, uses income and resources received 2-3 months ago to determine the current month’s benefit. Due to this difference, policy [317:35-5-42(c)(2)] allows DHS employees to calculate what the anticipated […]