Process for Closing Medical (Death)

Process for closing medical on reason of death.

UpdatedHow to Certify QMBP

Certifying the medical and buy-in benefits under QMBP eligibility

UpdatedCM Screen

Check the CM screen to obtain information regarding Case Members and Social Security Number(s). To view this screen: Login to IMS Clear the screen Type CM (space) and the case number Press ‘Enter’ Case Status O = Open CO – County Identifier OFF – Office Identifier The data displayed on the CM screen is as […]

Utility Deduction

Determining the correct utility deduction to give a household is an important aspect of the SNAP benefits. It is imperative that workers code the utility allowance of households when they have SNAP and they pay this expense. This can be coded in FACS “Shelter” tab. This ensure that the customer could possibly receive help in […]

UpdatedShelter Deduction Examples

Example 1: Rent Deposit Kent and Kristy visited the office to apply for SNAP benefits. During the interview they stated that they have a new apartment now and their rent according to their lease is $700 monthly. They had to pay an additional $300 for a deposit the first month. Rent deposits are not countable […]

Coding Household Members

Types of Household Members Coding examples for Household Tab in FACS concerning SNAP benefits are as follows. It is important to know what the IMS codes mean before they are matched with types of household members S/A Added to benefit section S/O Income/Resources are considered in benefit computation-individual not included S/N Income/Resources are not considered […]