UpdatedSpecial Needs Trust

What a special needs trust is, the criteria that must be met to be a special needs trust, what can be done with the money, what happens when the beneficiary dies, what are a worker’s responsibilities in regard to a special needs trust

Long Term Care Partnership Insurance

Oklahoma Long Term Care Partnership (LTCP) Program is a policy purchased after 2008 and will have statement on the face page of the qualification from Oklahoma Insurance Department. The policy must be exhausted before client can become eligible for SoonerCare. Having this policy allows the amount of face value of the policy to be protected […]

Transfer of Resources

Transfer of Resources or Assets – individuals who apply for or receive long term care services and transfer or give away resources are subject to a transfer penalty if the individual, the individual’s spouse, the guardian, or legal representative of the individual or individual’s spouse, disposes of resources for less than fair market value during […]