UpdatedHow to Apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Applications for LIHEAP through OKDHSLive!

Life-Threatening Energy Crisis

340:20-1-17(h) Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) No Application/ Year Round OKDHS does not require an application for this program. Energy crisis assistance for households with a life-threatening (LT) medical situation energy crisis is accepted year round. Referral Link Referrals for LT are submitted by accessing the life threatening referral form.  There are two medical categories, […]

Tribal LIHEAP Inquiries

Instructions to Check for LIHEAP Benefits

Surviving Active Shooter Event

Instructions regarding Surviving an Active Shooter Event

Emergency Occupant Plan

Instructions regarding Surviving an Active Shooter Event

Bomb Threat

Instructions regarding Bomb Threats

Field Manager Process – Bomb Threat

Procedures for Bomb Threat

How to Certify Alien Emergency Medical

The steps to take in certifying someone for emergency medical.

Protective/Preventive Child Care

Policy Links Regarding Protective/Preventive Child Care

UpdatedSafety – Office Security

ID Badges New OKDHS employees will be issued an ID badge upon entry to duty and all employees are required to wear their badge while on duty. This includes visiting other OKDHS locations and in the field acting as a OKDHS representative. Supervisors are responsible to recover all ID badges when an employee leaves OKDHS […]