Topic: honesty
QUIZ Integrity Self-Assessment
Integrity refers to a consistency in the way a person lives the values, principles and expectations of the organization in relationships with coworkers, customers, partners and stakeholders. Honesty, trust and fairness are central to integrity.
Integrity Behaviors from the AFS Values
Integrity — Ability to know and do what is right Problem Solving: Integrity Summary: Blindfolded people navigate their way through the obstacles (cups) with the directions from partners. Time: 10 minutes total Brief the group: 2 minutes Exercise: 5 minutes Reflection: 3 minutes Cups Represents: Clients, Relationships, Family, Friends, Supervisor, Role on the Team, etc… […]
”Instills trust” is made up of 4 behaviors: keeps promises handles confidential information in a manner that is trustworthy speaks honestly with others models high ethical standards Perhaps the most important concern for a leader is developing an atmosphere of trust and safety. The word “trust” means “a firm belief in the reliability or truth […]