Integrity – Self Care

Integrity – Self-Assessment

QUIZ Integrity Self-Assessment

What is Integrity? Overview

Integrity refers to a consistency in the way a person lives the values, principles and expectations of the organization in relationships with coworkers, customers, partners and stakeholders. Honesty, trust and fairness are central to integrity.

Integrity – Self Care

UpdatedIntegrity – Behaviors

Integrity Behaviors from the AFS Values

Integrity – Group Activity: Minefield

Integrity — Ability to know and do what is right Problem Solving: Integrity Summary: Blindfolded people navigate their way through the obstacles (cups) with the directions from partners. Time: 10 minutes total Brief the group: 2 minutes Exercise: 5 minutes Reflection: 3 minutes Cups Represents: Clients, Relationships, Family, Friends, Supervisor, Role on the Team, etc… […]

Leadership – Instills trust

”Instills trust” is made up of 4 behaviors: keeps promises handles confidential information in a manner that is trustworthy speaks honestly with others models high ethical standards Perhaps the most important concern for a leader is developing an atmosphere of trust and safety. The word “trust” means “a firm belief in the reliability or truth […]