Topic: Professionalism
Instructions on Creating Signature Lines for Emails
Having an understanding of the differences in the driving forces and hidden rules of differing individuals helps us to avoid judgements and negative reactions that break down working relationships.
Select the following link to access an audio file about scarcity and how it affects our thinking. For more information on scarcity read Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means so Much. | How Scarcity Mentally Affects Our Thinking Behavior. Once you access the page: click the Listen button. You may also click the download […]
The Mental Model of Poverty gives us a concrete visual representation of the various aspects of life faced by individuals experiencing generational poverty. It gives us a visual to prompt discussion on the topic. The model was created by individuals living in poverty and depicts the interlocking nature of the elements. It shows us that […]
There are many other sources of information you can access concerning Compassion. A resource that might be applicable include: A Client’s Perspective “The Other Side of the Desk”
QUIZ Integrity Self-Assessment
Integrity Behaviors from the AFS Values
Your behavior is the greatest method of displaying professionalism. Actions speak louder than words. You should focus on the following professional behaviors: Speak honestly and with kindness. You should always think before speaking. Be polite, courteous, and respectful of others. Avoid gossip. This can strain relationships and is difficult to reverse. Maintain ethical behavior at […]