UpdatedIntegrity Discussion Activity

Directions: Distribute activity cards and assign to individuals or group. Integrity Activity Discussion Cards Allow time for individual group discussions related to cards. Share responses. Facilitator Notes: Look for commonalities in responses related to article Integrity – Behaviors to discuss with the group. Refer to article Barriers to Integrity

Barriers to Integrity Activity

Directions: Distribute barrier activity cards and assign to individuals or group. Barriers to Integrity Activity Cards Allow time for discussions related to cards. Discuss barriers to integrity for the 12 Integrity Driven Behaviors below and share responses with the group. Brainstorm ways to remove the barriers identified and share responses with the group. Facilitator Notes: […]

Integrity – Self Care

Integrity – Self-Assessment

QUIZ Integrity Self-Assessment

What is Integrity? Overview

Integrity refers to a consistency in the way a person lives the values, principles and expectations of the organization in relationships with coworkers, customers, partners and stakeholders. Honesty, trust and fairness are central to integrity.

Integrity – Self Care

UpdatedIntegrity – Behaviors

Integrity Behaviors from the AFS Values

Professionalism – Behavior

Your behavior is the greatest method of displaying professionalism. Actions speak louder than words. You should focus on the following professional behaviors: Speak honestly and with kindness. You should always think before speaking. Be polite, courteous, and respectful of others. Avoid gossip. This can strain relationships and is difficult to reverse. Maintain ethical behavior at […]

Integrity – Group Activity: Minefield

Integrity — Ability to know and do what is right Problem Solving: Integrity Summary: Blindfolded people navigate their way through the obstacles (cups) with the directions from partners. Time: 10 minutes total Brief the group: 2 minutes Exercise: 5 minutes Reflection: 3 minutes Cups Represents: Clients, Relationships, Family, Friends, Supervisor, Role on the Team, etc… […]

Life of Integrity

This video used with permission from the creator: Chris Lively, Video Director, Sagebrush Community Church.