ABD Household: Whose Income Counts for ABD

Clarification on ABD Households and income consideration.

Medicaid Programs and QI-1

Medicaid Benefits and QI-1 Explanation

Marital Status under SSI Criteria

SSI Criteria and Marital Status

Income Deductions (Eligible Individual with Ineligible Spouse)

How to divide the income deductions in FACS between an eligible individual and the ineligible spouse.

How to Code for Eligible Individual with Ineligible Spouse (Short Term Medical)

Coding in FACS for Eligible Individual with Ineligible Spouse

UpdatedDetermining Eligibility of Eligible Individual with an Ineligible Spouse

How to determine eligibility for an Eligible Individual with an Ineligible Spouse then code FACS.

UpdatedIncome – Adjusting SSI for New or Increased Income

When a client has new or increased income, DHS uses the current month’s income and resources to determine the current month’s benefit. SSI, on the other hand, uses income and resources received 2-3 months ago to determine the current month’s benefit. Due to this difference, policy [317:35-5-42(c)(2)] allows DHS employees to calculate what the anticipated […]

Ineligible Child Allocation

UpdatedComputation of Earned Income

How to compute general income exclusion and earned income deduction.

Ineligible Minor Child Allocation

Procedure for deducting the ineligible minor child allocation.