Topic: Lien
What Is a Reverse Mortgage? A reverse mortgage is a loan. A homeowner who is 62 or older and has considerable home equity can borrow against the value of their home and receive funds as a lump sum, fixed monthly payment or line of credit. It does not require the homeowner to make any payments. […]
Instructions on entering home property information on the resource tab in FACS.
To initiate the filing of a lien, the worker must submit a Medicaid Estate Recovery, form 08MA025E, a copy of the deed and/or a document from the County Assessor’s office, a copy of the signed Acknowledgement of Intent to Return Home form 08MA024E (FSS-ML-1), and form 08MA010E (MA-10) by email to OHCA. Please include POA/Guardianship papers […]
THERE IS NO RESOURCE STANDARD TEST The following apply: 60 month look-back period on all assets Penalty for transfer of assets Rules on annuities, promissory notes, life estates and trusts are the same as for ABD related NOT subject to Medicaid lien on home property Subject to Medicaid Estate Recovery if age 55 older when […]