How to Process a Nursing Facility Transfer

Process when client transfers to another nursing home

UpdatedEarned Income Disregard (EID) Eligibility

Eligibility and how to handle it

WORK – How to Enter a TW-13

Access EKL screen for the case. In IMS, enter EKL case number Tab down to the correct authorization and enter ETPANEW FOR MONTH – Enter the month and year of the TW13 in MM/YY format. On the upper portion enter an E with the number of hours the client was absent for that day for […]

UpdatedCoding Two Providers – Copay Exemption

How to Exempt Copays and what providers will be exempt.

Incorrect Begin Date

Incorrect Begin Date procedures are used when there is a need for any child care to be covered on a day or days prior to the begin date on the incorrect authorization. This can occur when the incorrect begin date is submitted with a new child care certification or during a change of child care […]

Nursing Facility (NF) Applications Processing Certifications

Steps to take when processing a certification on Nursing Facility (NF) Applications

EKL Screen

Check the EKL screen to view a list of child care authorizations (open, unfinished, and closed) for the case number entered.