UpdatedThird Party Employment Verifiers

Third Party Employment Verifiers List for Verification

App Date Calculator

Income – Income Verification

What to do if client is required to pay for income verification


IEV – computer transaction which displays earned and unearned income and resources reported to the Internal Revenue Service. As information on the IEV screen is considered Federal Taxpayer Information, access to the IEV transaction is limited to FTI Specialists. The FTI Specialists are responsible for resolving all IEV discrepancies. Policy regarding this term is located […]

Employer Contact

Employer contact – AFS staff may contact employers by mail, phone, or in-person.  Some of the reasons staff contact employers is to verify work hours, pay, TANF Work compliance, or to refer a client for employment.  Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy:  340:40-3-1. Application process; 340:40-5-1. Plan of service; 340:40-7-8. Defining […]

Best Practices

Keep these key ideas in mind as you use IMS.