Topic: data exchange
Alphabetized list of IMS Screens & Transactions
Reading SDX Screens
Oklahoma Human Services has a strict policy on confidentiality. OKDHS employees are prohibited from accessing or viewing client records for any reason other than performance of assigned duties. The information I enter into the data base will only be accessed or discussed among the staff handling your case record to determine eligibility. “However, there are […]
The G1DX Report is used to check for discrepancies between information coded on a case and what is available through data exchanges with other entities such as SSA regarding income and other eligibility factors. The information should be investigated and the cases updated, if necessary, to prevent overpayments or underpayments from occurring. As you resolve […]
NHL – is an acronym for New Hire List. The New Hire List is a data exchange transaction that provides information obtained from employers reporting new hires to Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC).
IEV – computer transaction which displays earned and unearned income and resources reported to the Internal Revenue Service. As information on the IEV screen is considered Federal Taxpayer Information, access to the IEV transaction is limited to FTI Specialists. The FTI Specialists are responsible for resolving all IEV discrepancies. Policy regarding this term is located […]
Data exchange – automated electronic information received from other agencies that provides benefit, wage, tax information, and verification of Social Security numbers that is matched with DHS electronic records. Detailed information regarding the Address Validity and Integrity, BENDEX, Buy-in, SDX, SSN Enumeration, and TPQY data exchange screens is located in Quest. Policy regarding this term […]
ACES stands for Automated Caseload Evaluation System.
What Does “Verified Upon Receipt” Mean? Policy: 340:50-9-5 (ITS 13) “Verified Upon Receipt” is information that is not questionable, and the provider is the primary source of the information. Example of verified upon receipt are: Data exchange messages regarding SSA or SSI income Information obtained from SAVE UIB information from OESC Worker’s compensation documents from […]