Topic: Elderly
Step by Step instructions and flow chart
Explanation of Waived Recertification Interview
LTC – is an acronym for long term care. Long-term medical care for the categorically needy includes care in a nursing facility, public and private intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, persons age 65 years or older in mental health hospitals, Home and Community Based Waiver Services for the Intellectually Disabled, and Home and Community Based Waiver Services for frail elderly and a targeted group of adults with physical disabilities age 21 and over who have not been determined to have a developmental disability, an intellectual disability or a related condition.
Age – a person’s age factors into his or her eligibility to receive certain benefits or deductions. Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-7-3. Age requirements; 340:40-7-3.1. Child with disabilities; 340:40-7-5. Resources, residence, and citizenship; 340:40-7-6. Household composition and income consideration; 340:40-7-12. Excluded income sources; 340:40-13-3. Child care payments and rates. LIHEAP: 340:20-1-11. Income and liquid resources. Public […]
The Oklahoma Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) offers low-income older citizens an opportunity to purchase fresh, locally-grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs from certified farmers. In addition to offering nutritious foods, the program supports local economies by increasing the use of farmers’ markets. DHS is able to offer EBT cards to seniors who qualify based on certain […]
This article explains the net income standard and how it relates to elderly and disabled households.
340:50-5-4 A SNAP household (HH) that includes a member that is 60 years or older is determined to be elderly. A SNAP HH that includes a member that has been declared disabled by the Social Security Administration is determined to be disabled. Veterans with a disability rated by the United States Department of Veteran’s Affairs […]