How to Process Adult Day Care

Step by Step instructions and flow chart

Sale of Home Proceeds and Insurance Payments & Repairs

How are the proceeds from the sale of the home property or an insurance payment for home repairs considered in determining eligibility

Absence from the Home: Temporary vs Permanent

Determining whether an absence is temporary or permanent.

UpdatedCountable Property

Determining the countable value of property not associated with the home property

Updated2024 National Directory of Contacts

Out-of-State Verification of Benefits

Disqualifications and Monetary Penalties

An important part of the claim establishment process is determining who is at fault. A claim is either the result of a DHS or household error. A household error claim may occur unintentionally through an honest mistake, or intentionally through misrepresentation of facts or fraud. SNAP and TANF household errors with fraudulent intent are called […]

Concurrent Receipt of Assistance (Duplicate Participation)

Concurrent receipt of assistance or duplicate participation– is a term used when someone applies for or receives the same or similar assistance in two cases or states for the same month.