NHL Transaction – State New Hire List

Instructions regarding NHL Transaction in IMS.

Gatekeeping Process for SNAP Applications Submitted through OK Benefits

County Office process for SNAP Applications Submitted through OK Benefits

Resolving a Social Security Number (ENU) Discrepancy

Guidelines for ENU Discrepancy

How To Initiate a TPQYC Request

Use the following procedure (TPQYC) in IMS to request information from Social Security Administration

CM Screen

Check the CM screen to obtain information regarding Case Members and Social Security Number(s). To view this screen: Login to IMS Clear the screen Type CM (space) and the case number Press ‘Enter’ Case Status O = Open CO – County Identifier OFF – Office Identifier The data displayed on the CM screen is as […]

What is TPQYC?

The TPQYC Screen in IMS, which means Third Party Query, is used to send an information request to the Social Security Administration concerning an applicant for medical while they are either waiting for their social security determination or they have not received their award letter. The request can also be used to obtain updated disability […]

Other Eligibility

Disqualification Coding

BENDEX Payment Status Codes

Block B20 refers to the Payment Status Code – Displays the SSA payment status for the beneficiary. The Codes are broken down in the following categories. Adjustment Abatement Current Pay Deferred Denied Delayed Suspended Terminated Uninsured Withdrawal Other Adjustment AA Withdrawal To Split Payments AC Correction In Benefit Rate AD Adjusted For Dual Entitlement AE […]

Benefits Data Exchange Inquiry (BENDEX) Codes

BEN is the online BENDEX Benefits Inquiry. To view this screen: Login to IMS Clear the screen Type BEN (space) and the social security number Press ‘Enter’ You can also access the screen by typing the following in IMS: ‘BEN (Space) and the Claim Account Number’ BENDEX Codes 1-14 provide identifying information regarding the Beneficiary […]