Topic: Income Calculation
AFS Handbook information – Eligibility – Income
Overview of information regarding the Child Support Calculator
Steps to handling earned income.
Bonus that will not recur Client applied on April 25. She started a new job on March 20 and received her first weekly paycheck on April 8 and her second on April 22. She provided both checks. The April 8 check includes a sign on bonus of $500. This is a one-time bonus which will […]
Key Points in Determining and Calculating Bonus Income Look for bonus income on paystubs (in current pay period or year to date (YTD). It may or may be not labeled “bonus”. It may be listed as “incentive”, “other” or a company term like “MyShare”, etc. Determine what kind of bonus it is, and if it […]
Quiz SNAP Earned Income Handling
Lump sum payment – is a payment based on an accumulation of income and payments.
Exemption – this may be an income or resource disregard or an exception from a program requirement.
ACES stands for Automated Caseload Evaluation System.
TANF Income Computation for Applicant or Recipient Payees Included in Benefits Step-Parent TANF Income Computation Note: Also applies to Income for a Major Mother, Alien Parent, Fleeing Felon Parent and the Spouse of a Needy Caretaker Person acting in the role of a spouse – ANROSI TANF Income Computation (Adult Nonrelative Opposite Sex Individual) TANF […]