Topic: Edits
Alphabetized list of IMS Screens & Transactions
Instructions for Backing off of a Child Care Authorization
Gives information and instructions concerning G1DX edit Prisoner Report (PRS)
Learn about the editing process for cases and how to clear edits received.
To detail what the AFS Help Desk (Remedy) is and how to properly utilize it.
ACES stands for Automated Caseload Evaluation System.
Obtain the edit number via the G3 transaction. In IMS, type G3 <space> Case Number Edit Numbers start with the prefix PSE In IMS Type M <space> Edit Number, then press enter The Extended Edit Text usually gives more specifics about which blocks to update in FACS, as in the example below.Some Extended Error texts […]
Listed below are types of data exchange discrepancies: BEN OASDI/RSDI information; verifiable upon receipt SDX SSI information; verifiable upon receipt OWG (OWGD) OESC information UIB Unemployment information; verifiable upon receipt NHL (SNH) NNH New hire list information (UAD) Address Correction PRS Prison Match Inquiry DOD Date of Death Reported by SSA ENU Social Security Number […]
Use these steps to pull up a list of current G1DX edits. From the “Our InfoNet Home” page; hover the cursor over the Service Divisions dropdown menu. Click on the Adult & Family Services option from the drop down menu. Scroll down to Eligibility Determination /Maintenance and click on the ACES option. This will open […]
To remove a G1DX edit use the following steps. In IMS, type “DXD<sp>[case#]” to access the DXD screen. OPERATOR NUMBER field: Enter user ID CASE NO field: Enter the case number DATA TYPE field: Enter the error type SNH (NHL) NNH (NNH) BEN (BEN errors) SDX (SDX errors) UIB (UIB errors) PRS (PRS errors) DOD […]