IMS Transaction | Definition & Purpose, and Links to Related Articles |
105E | ECAP Authorization Update Screen IMS: How to Read 105 Screens |
105EQ | ECAP Authorization Inquiry |
105H | LIHEAP Authorization Update Screen |
105HQ | LIHEAP Authorization Inquiry |
ABBREV | List of frequently used abbreviations used in IMS. |
ABWI | Used to view a person’s ABAWD history. IMS: IMS Transactions: ABWI (ABAWD Tracking System) |
ABWO | Used to enter information about a countable ABAWD’s receipt of SNAP benefits from states other than Oklahoma. IMS: ABAWD: ABWO Update Out-of-State SNAP Benefit |
ABWU | Used to make corrections to ABWI ABAWD tracking system. IMS: IMS Transactions: ABWU (ABAWD Tracking System Corrections) |
AC | Used to obtain list of members of a specific case number. |
AD | List of addresses associated with the case. IMS: AD Screen-Client Address History |
AIH | Used to view information in the authorization history file. |
AIHL | Lists all sequences (or updates) for the authorization number given |
AIW | Work supplement inquiry |
AIWH | Work supplement history inquiry |
AIWHL | Work supplement history list, by authorization number |
AL | List of authorizations for a particular case (same as EKL) |
ALW | Work supplement authorization list by case |
AP | Appeals decision inquiry |
AS | Used to obtain list of all individuals of a specific social security number |
AUAI | Inquiry for Auth Action Segment |
AUL | Used to open and update Long Term Care authorizations IMS: Nursing Care Authorization IMS: Personal Care Authorization |
AULS | Corrects information contained on a Long-Term medical authorization |
AUPRI | Provides a list of authorizations for a selected provider |
AUSN | Displays an authorization menu screen for the SSI/DCP program. The screen displayed will allow user to select service request to be authorized SSI-DCP: How Do I Code for Receipt of Equipment? |
AUSW | Use this transaction to enter/update SW authorizations for Long Term Care Advantage program IMS: Advantage Authorization |
AUW | Work supplement authorizations update |
AXF | AXF is the ALFX database inquiry for females. Last name and first initial are the minimum required ACES: Protective Services Alert (PSA) |
AXL | Displays list of cases in alphabetical order by payee’s last name for a specific county office, worker, case status, and case category. Also will display statistical data based on the search ACES: AXL Report |
AXM | AXM is the ALFX database inquiry for males. Last name and first initial are the minimum required |
BANKI | Bank account inquiry. Displays information about a direct deposit |
BB | Bulletin board inquiry for IMS |
BEN | BENDEX benefits inquiry from the Social Security Administration IMS: Benefits Data Exchange Inquiry (BENDEX) Codes |
BIHL | SSA Buy-In History Inquiry. This screen displays Part-A and Part B Buy-In Transactions being transmitted and received for the claim number queried. |
BMI | Cancelled benefits inquiry |
BML | Lists all cancelled benefits within the limits specified on input. |
BMU | Displays a cancelled benefit and reissues the benefit |
BN | Displays benefits associated with a case IMS: BN Screen – Benefits Inquiry |
BN2 | Benefits inquiry by document number |
BNE | Benefits error inquiry transaction for a given document number |
BNKLST | Inquiry displaying info on bank that may be used for direct deposit. |
BNL | Benefit tracking menu. IMS: BNMENU / BNL – Benefit Tracking |
BNMENU | Displays benefit types being received |
BNO | Displays benefits issued prior to the ones shown on BN |
BNP | Displays all persons associated with a benefit IMS: BNP Transaction |
BNS | Displays TANF and SNAP benefits received for the SSN as well as ABAWD coding |
BNX | Benefits paid for list-provider paid |
BRL | Displays a list of warrants, ATP’s, and coupons which were re-mailed |
CARDA | SNAP card scheduled requests |
CARDR | EBT SNAP card print request |
CAX | ALFX inquiry by county |
CAXF | ALFX inquiry of female person’s records by county |
CAXM | ALFS inquiry of male person’s records by county |
CCPI | Inquiry for custodial person information for an existing child support case IMS: Child Support – CCPI |
CFFRPA | Displays child support paid by non-custodial parent to OCSS IMS: Child Support – CFRRPA |
CID | Calculate Deeming Income Transaction ABD: CID (Calculation for Income Deeming) |
CIRIA | Displays last known address and other information on non-custodial parent and custodial parent. IMS: Child Support – CIRIA Screen 1 |
CL | PS2 Case Status Listing |
CLAP | Displays the FGN, CP name, case status, status date, service requested, and case type for all child support cases related to a particular absent parent |
CM | Displays a listing of all active and removed members in a case along with their benefits status and SSN. IMS: CM Screen |
CM5A | Displays all continued medical / transitional medical cases with a CM5 report form due this month |
CM5O | Displays all continued medical / transitional medical cases with a CM5 report form past due this month |
CMC | Lists all active and removed members in a case with their client number. |
CMM | Displays a listing of all active and removed members in a case along with current entries in IMS blocks F24, F25, F26, and F27. Worker and supervisor “Z” signoffs and dates also displayed. IMS: CMM Screen |
CO | County Director name and office address inquiry |
COWK | Displays monthly name and office address inquiry |
CPHL | Displays custodial parent history data |
CSML | Lists all members of an FGN and many other details about the case IMS: Child Support – CSML |
CSRL | Reference case list by FGN |
CU | Provides the ability to update a county office’s information or to add a new county office |
CWA | County Worker Action Reports |
CWAS | Provides a statistical report concerning pending applications and delinquent reviews for a county office, supervisor, or worker. |
DAX | DDS case manager search by client’s last name |
DP | Displays client data including data about each programmatic system to which this client is related. Use with client ID number (AKA DCN/RID Number) |
DXD | Use this transaction to remove the discrepancy from the G1DX report after the discrepancy is resolved ACES: How to Clear G1DX Edits |
DXL | A history list of DX discrepancies. DXL is an inquiry/display transaction which records all data exchange discrepancy messages for an individual social security number or case number. Using case number is recommended. |
EA | Displays Section A, General Information IMS: EA Screen |
EAH | Displays Section A, General Information, History Detail Information |
EAHA | Displays case change dates and how changes were made. ‘Z’ audit list |
EAHL | Lists Section A, General Information, History Records |
EALL | Displays summary information about sections of a case |
EAO | Displays Section A, General Information, History Detail Information if history is over two years old, from EAOL, Type EAO beside the line you want to view |
EAOL | Displays Section A, General Information, History Inquiry if history is over 2 years old |
EB | Displays Section B, Financial Assistance IMS: EB Screen |
EBH | Section B, Financial Assistance, History Detail |
EBHL | Lists Section B, Financial Assistance, History Records |
EBO | Displays Section B, Financial Assistance, and history detail information if history is over 2 years old, from EBOL, Type EBO beside the line you want to view. |
EBOL | Displays Section B, Financial Assistance, History Inquiry if history is over 2 years old |
EBTHL | Lists alternate EBT cardholders |
EBTU | Updates additional EBT cardholders IMS: Adding Authorized Representatives in IMS |
EC | Displays Section C, SNAP IMS: EC Screen |
ECH | Section C, SNAP, History detail |
ECHL | Lists Section C, SNAP, history records |
ECO | Displays Section C, SNAP, History detail information if history is over 2 years old, from ECOL; type ECO beside the line you want to view |
ED | Displays Section D, Medical Assistance IMS: ED Screen |
EDH | Section D, Medical Assistance, History Details |
EDHL | Lists Section D, Medical Assistance, History Records |
EDO | Displays Section D, Medical Assistance, History Detail Information if history is over 2 years old From EDOL, Type EDO because the line you want to view |
EDOL | Displays Section D, Medical Assistance, History Inquiry if History is over 2 years old |
EE | Displays Section E, Social Services Child Care Subsidy: EE Screen |
EEH | Section E, Social Services, History Detail |
EEHL | Lists Section E, Social Services, History Records Child Care Subsidy: EEHL Screen |
EEO | Displays Section E, Social Services, History detail information if history is over 2 years old. From EEOL, type beside the line you want to view |
EF | Displays Section F Page 1, Person Information |
EF2 | Displays Section F Page 2, Person Information |
EF3 | Displays Section F Page 3, Person Information |
EF4 | Displays Section F Page 4, Person Information |
EFH | Section F, Person Information, History Details, |
EFHL | Lists Section F, Person Information, History Records, |
EFHLM | Lists Section F Income Information history |
EFHP | Displays program history of Section F, Person Information |
EFO | Displays Section F, Person Information, History Detail Information if history is over 2 years old From EFOL, Type EFO beside the line you want to view |
EFOL | Displays Section F, Person Information, History Inquiry if History is over 2 years old |
EG | Displays Section G, Service Information |
EH | Displays Section H, Third Party Liability, |
EI | Displays absent parent data from the OCSS system |
EIL | Absent parent list. Provides a list of section I data per case IMS: EIL Transaction – Absent Parent List |
EK | Displays Authorization Detail Data Child Care Subsidy: EK Screen |
EKH | Displays Section K History for Authorization |
EKHL | Displays Information in the Authorization History file |
EKL | Displays a list of authorizations for a particular case Child Care Subsidy: EKL Screen |
ENU | Displays SSN Enumeration records received from SSA. IMS: Social Security Number (SSN) Enumeration (ENU) |
EPASFD | Provides a detailed view of all account statuses for the EPC Account |
ER SPACE CASE NUMBER | Displays DDS case status and other DDS authorization information |
ETE | ET&E authorization inquiry |
ETPAI | Display a participant’s actual hours of attendance / participation |
ETPANEW | Used to document hours of participation/attendance and authorize payment for TANF work participation |
EZ | Displays Section Z Sign-off signatures |
EZH | Displays Z processing history inquiry |
EZHL | Lists Section Z processing records |
F17B | Creates a TANF incentive achievement bonus TANF: How to Process a TANF Incentive Achievement Bonus (F17B) |
F17C | Issues retro and supplemental cash assistance warrants TANF: Supplements & Retro Certs for TANF (F17C) |
F17K | Authorizes the issuance of a supplemental or retroactive supported permanency payment TANF: Supplements & Retro Certs for TANF Supported Permanency (F17K) |
FAPP | Future application process SNAP: Future Application (F-APP) |
FCOMPLY | Advanced notifications of non-compliance with SNAP employment and training |
FDENY | Allows for input and editing of future denial actions on food stamps IMS: FDENY Process |
FDPIR | Provides an input screen to verify SNAP participation and SSP of each person |
FF | Freeform entry of PS2 data |
FFD | Displays data entered via FF and/or FX, showing operator and date |
FIND or FD | An inquiry to search the database for a person’s case. A screen is displayed which provides for entry of search parameters. Last name and first initial are the minimum required. |
FS | Provides the user the capability of entering freeform (FF) data |
FSCALC | Allows computation of SNAP benefits or overissuance IMS: FSCALC |
FSD | Disqualified food stamps inquiry. Displays clients administratively disqualified from SNAP participation |
FSLB | Request retroactive, supplemental, or replacement benefits for months prior to the current or previous month SNAP: How to Supplement or Retro-Certify Cases using FSLB Transaction |
FSRP | Request for SNAP benefit replacement SNAP:FSRP Transaction – Replacement of Destroyed Food |
FSSR | Request retroactive or supplemental SNAP benefits for the current and 2 prior months SNAP: How to Retro-Certify a Case using FSSR |
G1 | Displays a list of cases found to contain errors ACES: G1 Report |
G1DX | Displays data exchange exceptions ACES: G1DX Report |
G1M | Displays a list of MEDATS actions |
G1SN | List of SSI/DCP authorizations which have been updated by the state office |
G2 | Pending cases with error codes |
G3 | Displays edit error codes and field values by section for a case IMS: G3 Transaction – Viewing Edit Errors |
G3COA | Displays change of address data exchange from USPS IMS: G3COA Screen |
G4 | Pending case list, days from last update |
G5 | Pending case list, days from first update |
G7 | List of cases with data exchange messages longer than 30 days |
GA | Displays Section A, General Information Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GB | Displays Section B, Financial Assistance Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GC | Displays Section C, Food Stamps Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GD | Displays Section D, Medical Assistance Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GE | Displays Section E, Social Services Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GF | Displays Section F, Person Information Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GH | Displays Section H, Third Party Liability Data; when the section has had updates that have not been processed. |
GI | Displays data for the selected absent parent and case, from both the PS2 database and the change database |
GK | Compares the last error-free entry in history with most recently input data (AUAUTH) and highlights the changes |
GZ | Displays Section Z signoff signatures data when the section has had updates that have not been processed |
HASSN | SSN inquiry for housing authority |
IAM | Tells which environment of IMS A User is Operating from (Production, Test, Train) |
JL | Displays a list of incidents of overpayment for a case |
KI1 | Displays child support amounts received by payee IMS: Child Support – KI1 |
LEC | Life Estate Calculation Long Term Care (LTC): Resource – Life Estate |
LS | Listing of services for a specific person |
M(space) Transaction (Ex. M BEN) | Gives details about a specific IMS transaction |
M CCPIDATA | Displays block values for CCPI screens |
M CFRRDATA | Displays block values for CFRR screens |
M CIRIDATA | Displays block values for CIRIA screens |
M CLAPDATA | Displays block values for CLAP screens |
M CSMLDATA | Displays block values for CSML screens |
M KI1DATA | Displays block values for KI1 screens |
M OBLIDATA | Displays block values for OBLI screens |
M(space) Edit Text (EX. M PSEFX833) | Gives details about a specific edit IMS: Finding and Identifying Edit Errors in IMS |
MDI | Inquiry transaction for actions by the medical services division ABD: Medical Eligibility and Data Tracking System (MEDATS) |
MDL | Produces a screen through which the OHCA Level of Care Evaluation Unit (LOCEU) communicates with OKDHS workers ABD: Medical Eligibility and Data Tracking System (MEDATS) |
MED | DHS to EDS/OHCA medical eligibility history list |
MEDI | Medical eligibility history detail to EDS. Intended for use with TRANS ‘MED’ |
MICAL | Converts income received weekly, bi-weekly, or twice a month to a monthly amount Income Calculations: MICAL Steps |
MIXPSAINV | List of edits in killer with edit text for ‘A’ prefix cases |
MIXPSBINV | List of edits in killer with edit text for ‘B’ prefix cases |
MIXPSCINV | List of edits in killer with edit text for ‘C’, ‘H’, or ‘J’ prefix cases |
MIX PSDINV | List of edits in killer with edit text for ‘D’ prefix cases |
MIX PSE@ | Displays list of edits specify section with mix space PSEA@, PSEB@,PSEC@, etc. |
N8 | Displays case status history using data from benefits, PS2, energy, notices, etc. to provide a monthly historical view of a case |
NHCT | Displays detail date on employers reporting new hires to OESC |
NHES | Displays detail data on employees from employers reporting new hires to OESC |
NHL | Displays list of employees from employers reporting new hires to OESC IMS: NHL Transaction – State New Hire List |
NI | Accessed form NL, displays a copy of notices IMS: NI Transaction – Notice Text Inquiry |
NL | Displays a list of notices that have been automatically generated IMS: NL Transaction – Notice List |
NNH | Displays list from employers reporting new hires to SSA |
OBCI | Displays all children on a child support obligation, one at a time |
OBJI | Provides access to all judgement information for a selected child support obligation |
OBLHI | Provides a means to view the history of changes made to the child support obligation record |
OBLI | Displays the primary elements of the child support obligation record |
OWC | Displays quarterly wage and employer information IMS: OWC Transaction |
OWG | OESC quarterly wage inquiry using SSN on wages reported to OESC |
OWL | Inquiry for quarterly wage and unemployment compensation benefit data from the OESC IMS: OWL Transaction – Intrastate Link to OESC |
P | Used to inquiry information on the provider file. This transaction is similar to ‘VEND’, however, only active providers are retrieved when ‘P’ is used |
PAI | Inquiry to obtain information from the provider database when the provider number isn’t known |
PCHI | Displays the history of a specific child care contact |
PCI | Child care contract inquiry |
PCX | Displays an alphabetical list of day care providers |
PGHL | Program history list for a person |
PID | Displays all the illegal drug uses data under the person’s SSN |
PIEX | Requests employment and unemployment information from the OESC and locate information from the department of public safety |
PK1 | Calculates RSDI COLA amount |
PRS | Displays prisoner match records received from the SSA ACES: Prisoner Report (PRS) |
PS1 | Case Number assignment for energy assistance |
PS1B | Case number assignment for specific PS2 sections and member benefits |
PSDATE | Displays the data existing on the PS-2 form for a specified date |
PU | Enables users to view information from the provider file and update information or add a new provider to the file |
PY | Performs a search of the cases a person is associated with a provides a list of all data exchange information available on a person |
RECERT | Used to create a retroactive (prior) history record (Section D and F) for medical services |
SDL | Displays a history list of SSI records on our database for a requested SSN. Each list entry on the screen represents a change that SSA made to the persons record |
SDX | Displays the most current SSI data on file from SSA IMS: How to Read SDX Screens |
SDY | While on SDL screen, tab to entry line and type SDY to the left of the entry to view in more detail |
SE | Listing of case services along with certain pertinent data fields |
SNCU | Updates SSI/DCP referral records |
SND | Housing authority inquiry IMS: SND Transaction for Section 8/Housing Authority Verification |
SNL | List of SSI/DCP authorizations which require state office updating |
TI | Displays Section I absent parent data. Similar to EI. IMS: TI Transaction – Absent Parent Information |
TPLN | Third party liability inquiry |
TPQYC | Requests SSA information IMS: How to Initiate a TPQYC Request |
TPQYI | Inquiry for SSA TPQY data |
TR | Transfers a case to another county or office, reassign to a different supervisor or worker, and/or make address changes without going through the editing process |
TRANS830 | List of commonly used DHS transactions |
TUSER | ERAC inquiry and terminal user’s guide |
VEND | Retrieves information from the vendor file concerning a single vendor |
VXFR | Vendor/provider cross reference inquiry |
VXTN | Vendor/provider extension data inquiry. Specialty codes that begin with ‘03’ are the ‘nursing home’ codes. A provider must have an ‘active’ specialty code of ‘03’ or an ‘active’ MCAID program to provide nursing home services. Use transaction VXTN (SPACE) provider number to view the specialty codes and program types. |
WHOIS | Displays user ID name and phone number |
XMAIL | Lists all cases using a specified mailing address IMS: xmail transaction |
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